Friday , 14 March 2025
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Repairing Broken Eye Shadow

Don’t you just hate when your favorite eyeshadow breaks up into a million little pieces? It’s heartbreaking but there is a solution. With the help of a toothpick, paper towel, alcohol and a coin you can bring your precious shadows back from the dead. Just follow these simple steps to bring your eyeshadow from crumbled to united.





Step 1: Gather your materials. Toothpicks, 1 paper towel, 70% alcohol and a coin the same size as the eyeshadow in the compact or palette.





Step 2: Pour a very small amount of the 70% alcohol into the cap first and then carefully pour about 3 to 4 drops  into the broken shadow. (Using a dropper also works very well and is more precise.) Be very careful not to put any more than a few drops or it can change the color/texture of the shadow.




Step 3: Using your toothpick break up the shadow completely. The shadow should still appear to look dry not wet.






Step 4: Place the coin in the center of your paper towel and twist it around until the coin is tight. You are basically creating a stamping press for the shadow.




Step 5: Press the coin on top of the broken shadow and hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Be sure to cover the entire area so there are not any loose shadow bits.





Step 6: Wait until the alcohol has completely dried before using the shadow. One hour should be more than enough time for the eyeshadow to be dry.




This process has also worked for me to repair blush. However, I personally have not tried using it on any other pressed makeup (I’m curious if that would work as well). So don’t fret the next time you drop your eyeshadow palette or compact, there is at least one solution that will prevent you from making an extra stop to the makeup counter.


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